M Stories

Fritz Macco

Macco was soon the last to survive the war and Shoghi Effendi appointed him to find Lidia Zamenhof and help her escape Poland to safety.

Joe Paczkowski 1Fritz Macco
Death: September 1944
Place of Birth: Unknown
Location of Death: Unknown
Burial Location: No cemetery details

Fritz Macco and his family were Bahá’ís and according to Hartmutt Grossman, the Guardian advised that God would assist the German Bahá’í soldiers if they were really sincere. Macco was soon the last to survive the war and Shoghi Effendi appointed him to find Lidia Zamenhof and help her escape Poland to safety. In an impossible situation, under the watchful eye of the SS troops, looking for one person out of millions, he did indeed find her. Lidia kept her stance in not leaving her family and friends, Macco eventually left her and went on to save his Bahá’í mother from being sent to a concentration camp. He died in the war in September 1944.


Heller, Wendy. Lidia The Life of Lidia Zamenhof Daughter of Esperanto. Oxford, George Ronald, 1985.

Art Design by Joe Paczkowski


About the author

Tara Jabbari

Tara Jabbari was born and raised in Chicago. She studied communications and works in media production. She enjoys reading, especially biographies, and traveling.

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