Author - Bahá'í Chronicles

We simply want to provide direct access to the heroes and heroines who have recognized and served the Bahá’í Faith and mankind. Our hope in sharing these stories is to offer enlightenment, respect and a wholehearted appreciation for the Gift.

B Stories


No worldly power could thwart the purpose of the Most Exalted Pen. Through the copiousness of His writings, He poured upon the planet the healing waters of the...

Stories V

Marie Alexandra Victoria

Martha met with the queen eight times and in 1928 during one of these meetings Queen Marie gave Martha a stunning brooch as a gift.

E Stories

Shoghi Effendi

The one characteristic of that heart was the most extraordinary and true humility I have ever seen.

K Stories

Florence Maria Ullrich Kelley

She went to Monte Carlo, Monaco. Since she was so young—believed to be the youngest of these pioneers who are now called Knights of Baha’u’llah—she was sent...

C Stories

Amelia Collins

Having been brought up in a strict Lutheran household, she married a mining engineer named Thomas H. Collins and lived in Calumet, Michigan and later Bisbee...

Stories W

Roy C. Wilhelm

At that time the available Baha'i literature was slight, and copies of prayers and tablets were typewritten and distributed from friend to friend. One of the...

K Stories

Molly Skinner King

Molly Skinner King Born: September 30, 1925 Death: November 11, 2016 Place of Birth: Wichita Falls, Texas Location of Death: Santa Paula, California Burial...

M Stories

Eric Manton

On February 7, 1952, Mr. Manton, a widower (Jessie) along with his son Terry who was twelve years old were the first Bahá’ís to enter Mozambique, Africa. They...


Mírzá Muhammad

He who had been waited upon, now waited on others; he who had been the master was now the servant, he who had once been a leader was now a captive. He had no...