He made several pilgrimages while serving on the Assembly during which he met with Shoghi Effendi and translated several important documents for him. He served...
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Adib Taherzadeh served as a member of the Universal House of Justice, the supreme governing body of the Bahá'í Faith, between 1988 and 2000.
His detachment from the things of this world and his attachment to the life of the spirit are indescribable. He was love embodied, tenderness personified.
He had learned of the Faith years before when he was a student at Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas. There, his roommate, Bob McComb, invited him home for a...
Angus Cowan Born: September 12, 1914 Death: March 9, 1986 Place of Birth: Quebec, Canada Location of Death: Invermere, British Columbia, Canada Burial...
Dr. Sulayman Berjis Born: 1897 Death: February 3, 1950 Place of Birth: Isfahan, Iran Location of Death: Sarvistan, Iran Burial Location: Gulestan Javid (Body...
Dr. Rice-Way headed a large scale, clinical trial of the first birth control pill in the late 1950s in Puerto Rico. She was one of the early followers of...
Ethel Rosenberg was the first English person to accept the Bahá'í Faith in 1899. She spent her early childhood there and came to London to study art under...
Maria Bertha Reiser Ioas Born: December 6, 1865 Death: May 25, 1953 Place of Birth: Passau, Germany Location of Death: Oak Park, Illinois Burial...
The struggle for suffrage for women and amongst the early British Bahá'ís Women’s suffrage was an important issue. The best known from the Bahá’í point of view...