Simin Sabiri, one of the Ten Female Martyrs Hanged in 1983
Born: 1960/1963
Death: June 18, 1983
Place of Birth: Unknown
Location of Death: Shiraz, Iran
Burial Location: Golestan-e-Javid (Eternal Garden) Bahá’í Cemetery in Tehran, Iran – destroyed in the 1980s
Simin Sabiri was one of the most fearless of the group, who had been a member of the Bahá’í Study Committee in Shiraz, responsible for the continuing education of Bahá’ís about the Faith and its writings. During her interrogations, she would constantly try to refute the accusations and misinformation of her interrogators. During her stay in jail, she was known to be strong and resilient and never to have expressed sadness.
“The Story of Mona” Perry, Mark