Mírzá Mustafá Naráqí
Born: Unknown
Death: Unknown
Place of Birth: Naraq, Iran
Location of Death: Tabríz, Iran
Burial Location: No cemetery details
Among that company of pure and goodly souls was Mírzá Mustafá, a leading citizen of Naráq and one of the earliest believers. His face shone with the love of God. His mind was concerned with the anemones of mystic meanings, fair as meadows and beds of flowers.
It was in the days of the Báb that he first set his lips to the intoxicating cup of spiritual truth, and he had a strange tumult in his brain, a fierce yearning in his heart. In the path of God he threw down whatever he possessed; he gambled everything away, gave up his home, his kin, his physical well-being, his peace of mind. Like a fish on the sand, he struggled to reach the water of life. He came to Iraq, joined the friends of his soul, and entered the presence of Bahá’u’lláh. For some time he lived there, joyful and content, receiving endless bounty. Then he was sent back to Persia, where, to the utmost of his capacity, he served the Faith. He was a whole and accomplished man, staunch, firmly rooted as the hills; sound, and worthy of trust. To him, in all that turmoil and panic, the wild dogs howling were only buzzing flies; tests and trials rested his mind; when cast into the fire of afflictions that broke out, he proved to be shining gold.
On the day when the convoy of Bahá’u’lláh was leaving Constantinople for Adrianople, Mírzá Mustafá arrived from Persia. There was no opportunity for him to reach Bahá’u’lláh except once; and he was thereupon directed to return to Persia. At such a moment he had the honor of being received.
When Mírzá Mustafá reached Ádhirbáyján, he began to spread the Faith. Day and night he remained in a state of prayer, and there in Tabríz he drank of a brimming cup. His fervor increased, his teaching raised a tumult. Then the eminent scholar, the renowned Shaykh Ahmad-i-Khurásání, came to Ádhirbáyján and the two of them joined forces. The result was such overwhelming spiritual fire that they taught the Faith openly and publicly and the people of Tabríz rose up in wrath.
The farráshes hunted them down, and caught Mírzá Mustafá. But then the oppressors said, “Mírzá Mustafá had two long locks of hair. This cannot be the right man.” At once, Mírzá Mustafá took off his hat and down fell the locks of hair. “Behold!” he told them. “I am the one.” They arrested him then. They tortured him and Shaykh Ahmad until finally, in Tabríz, those two great men drained the cup of death and, martyred, hastened away to the Supreme Horizon.
At the place where they were to be killed, Mírzá Mustafá cried out:
“Kill me first, kill me before Shaykh Ahmad, that I may not see them shed his blood!”
Their greatness has been recorded for all time in the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh. They received many a Tablet from Him, and after their death He set down, with His exalted pen, the anguish they endured.
From youth till old age, this illustrious man, Mírzá Mustafá, devoted his entire life to service on the pathway of God. Today he dwells in the all-glorious Realm, in the neighborhood of the ineffable mercy of God, and he rejoices with exceeding gladness, and he celebrates the praise of his Lord. Blessedness be his, and a goodly home. To him be tidings of great joy, from the Lord of Lords. May God grant him an exalted station, in that high Company.
‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Memorials of the Faithful. Bahai.org.
(c) Baha’i Chronicles