Stories Y

Mírzá Muhammad Rawdih-Khán Yazdí

Mírzá Muhammad Rawdih-Khán Yazdí (or Dhákir-i-Masá’ib) was the eighth Letter of the Living.

Door to the House of the Bab-1Mírzá Muhammad Rawdih-Khán Yazdí, Letter of the Living
Born: Unknown
Death: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Location of Death: No Cemetery details

Mírzá Muhammad Rawdih-Khán Yazdí (or Dhákir-i-Masá’ib) was the eighth Letter of the Living. He returned from Shiraz to Yazd. Because of the persecution of the Bábís, he chose not to reveal his beliefs but continued to teach the Bábí Faith covertly to the end of his life.

Mírzá Muhammad Rawdih-Khán Yazdí Bahá’í Encyclopedia Project. baha’

Baha’i World Centre Archives – Door to the House of the Báb

About the author

Bahá'í Chronicles

We simply want to provide direct access to the heroes and heroines who have recognized and served the Bahá’í Faith and mankind. Our hope in sharing these stories is to offer enlightenment, respect and a wholehearted appreciation for the Gift.